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The Insider’s Guide to SONAR

SONAR (sound navigation and ranging) is a technique that uses sound propagation (typically underwater, as in submarine navigation) to navigate, communicate with, and identify things on or beneath the water’s surface, such as other vessels. In this technology, a powerful ultrasonic wave is sent from the ship to the ocean’s…

Automation principles

The 10 Principles of Automation

While robot automation software can help you manage your systems regardless of how you utilise it, there are tried-and-true methods for achieving exceptional automation results. If you administer your data centre according to these principles, you’ll reap a slew of benefits. You will boost productivity by empowering your employees to…

IoT Technologies

IoT Technologies

IoT Security Security technologies will be needed to safeguard IoT devices and platforms from both information and physical tampering, to encrypt their communications, and to address emerging difficulties like impersonating “things” or denial-of-sleep assaults that drain batteries. The fact that many “things” employ rudimentary processors and operating systems that may…

Types of Robot

Types of Robots

These are some types of robots given below: The following are some examples of robots: Articulated: This robot’s distinguishing feature is its rotational joints, which range in number from two to ten or more. The arm is linked to the rotary joint, and each joint is known as an axis,…

Working of Servo Motor

How does a servo motor work?

Servo motors precisely control position and speed. The mechanical position of the shaft can now be sensed using a potentiometer. As a result, it is linked to the motor shaft via gears. The potentiometer converts the shaft’s current position into an electrical signal, which is then compared to the command…

How to calculate degree of freedom?

How to calculate degree of freedom?

Simply put, the degree of freedom is the smallest amount of motions that an item can make in a three-dimensional space. Take this rectangular box as an example. It has the ability to move linearly in all three axes (x, y, and z) as well as rotate in all three…

The Unconventional Guide to AGV

The Unconventional Guide to AGV

Abbreviation of AGV? Automated Guided Vehicle What is AGV? A system that travels around a facility in a predetermined course. An automated guided vehicle (AGV) is a motorised vehicle that transports a load through a manufacturing, assembly, or warehousing facility. An AGV can have any shape a customer need to…

The Radar Article of Your Dreams

The Radar Article of Your Dreams

When was the RADAR System created, and what is its purpose? Radar was first developed during World War II to detect enemy planes, but it is now widely employed in everything from police speed-detector guns to weather forecasting. What is the abbreviation for RADAR? Radio Detection and Ranging What is…

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The Insider’s Guide to Quotation

A quotation is a technical reference sheet that covers the details of the product you wish to buy from a company/firm/shop. It comprises a full description of the product, price information (including taxes, shipping, and so on), seller information, and the person who will be in contact with you, among…